Ella Reamer

ella reamer

Hi, I’m Ella Reamer, from Crested Butte, CO, and I am majoring in Neuroscience. Having transferred to Tulane, I was originally so scared to restart my college career at a new university going into it knowing no one. However, looking back that is almost comical to me due to how welcomed I’ve felt by my peers, teachers, and the attention and resources I’ve had at my disposal from Tulane itself. I would honestly describe it as seamless, I felt welcomed immediately and everyone I met were so happy to be going to Tulane. When walking through the LBC for the first time, I asked a student for directions to a class of mine and they took the time to walk me there themselves. I was given numerous suggestions by every student I met, on all their favorite spots on campus, and in New Orleans. Academically, I was initially a little nervous about my new classes and professors, but that feeling left syllabus week when I realized how much the professors care about their students and their success. I would love to share my own recommendations for restaurants, coffee shop, you name it! I would love to welcome new you, and ease your anxiety about starting a new journey at Tulane, because truly it’s the best decision I ever made.

Email: ereamer@tulane.edu