Net Price Calculator

Tulane's Net Price Calculator was developed to help families plan for the costs associated with attending college. Use this calculator as a guide to help make informed financial decisions for your future. Help messages will guide you through each step.

In order to complete the Net Price Calculator, be sure you have the following materials available:

  • Most recent student & parent income tax returns
  • Earnings statements
  • Bank & investment account statements
  • Records of untaxed income
  • Student's academic information

Please note that our net price calculator is designed to be helpful and yet it is an imperfect tool. While we aim to be as transparent as possible about affordability at Tulane, many family circumstances are complex and complicated. For example, in situations where parents are separated/divorced, when determining eligibility for institutional need-based scholarship we expect a contribution from both living parents, and this can make the net price calculator return inaccurate results if we do not have a complete picture of both parent's finances. Additionally, though we do not consider qualified retirement savings in our needs analysis, we do consider assets such as business/farm values and home equity.

Finally, our admission committee evaluation of one's academic performance we focus on specific core courses (in English, math, science, social studies, and world languages). As a result, the amount of merit scholarship (if any) will vary according to course selection, rigor, and performance. We annually test the accuracy of our net price calculator in providing close estimates as to the level of aid a student may receive, however, it is critical to understand that you should use the results from the calculator with caution since actual aid offers may vary due to a multitude of reasons.

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