More than 32,000 students completed applications for admission to Tulane this year, and just over 4,500 were admitted.
Below, you’ll find a profile of our most recent entering first-year class, which includes students from over 1,100 different schools, 49 states and territories, and 55 countries.
Average (recalculated & unweighted) GPA: 3.71
Average SAT: 1461*
Average ACT: 33*
*Submitting SAT or ACT scores is optional at Tulane. For the Class of 2028, a majority of enrolling students did not submit test scores.
Racial & Ethnic Diversity
African American or Black: 6%
Asian American: 5%
Hispanic or Latina/o/x: 12%
Indigenous/Native American: <2%
Two or more races: 5%
Non-US Citizens: 6%
Gender & Sexual Identity
Female Legal Sex: 63%
Male Legal Sex: 37%
LGBTQ+: 12%
Socioeconomic Status
First Generation College Students: 14%
Federal Pell Grant Recipients from Low Income Backgrounds: 13%