Spring Scholars
Spring Scholars begin their freshman year on campus in the spring after taking the fall to pursue enriching activities. There are opportunities available for fall travel abroad experiences, or students can pursue internships, explore their academic interests, and take advantage of other opportunities.
Spring Scholars begin their freshman year on campus in the spring after taking the fall to pursue enriching activities. There are opportunities available for fall travel abroad experiences, or students can pursue internships, explore their academic interests, and take advantage of other opportunities.

Spend the fall studying abroad in Tokyo, London, Rome, Barcelona or Paris with other Spring Scholars. Or get real-world experience and start building your resume with a fall internship.

Get your questions answered and learn more about the Spring Scholars program.

Hear from current Spring Scholars about their experiences. Our Spring Scholars Ambassadors can answer your questions and help you decide if Tulane is right for you.
Should you have any further questions, please feel free to contact us at springscholarsinfo@tulane.edu